Sunday, September 9, 2012

New call for new players!

To the best of my inconsistent memory, this is the first time that I have not been on this forum asking for "literate" players. No, this time I'm asking for new players who are either new to the site or new to role playing to check out my RP and see if they'd care to join. After all, what's the best way to find literate role players? I personally think that it's to help shape them yourself and make a few friends in the process! Though if a few literate players make an appearance I won't turn them away. Lol.

So, here's what's going on!

The year is 599, the turn of the new century, and blood fills the streets as chaos reigns and disorder clouds the future of the people who call the continent of Cre' Est "home".

Te'i Sai, the largest and most feared Assassin organization the world has ever known, is now on the move. Though its numbers are small for such an ancient organization, their Assassins are at the absolute zenith of their individual potentials and are far in advance in terms of strength, speed, agility, stamina, endurance and intellect than any other form of "warriors" the world has to offer. Even the most battle hardened mercenaries, bounty hunters and war veterans would not dare tangle with these Assassins.

There is one in particular, the Red-Eyed Demon, whose memory and legacy haunts the land and the heart of the people who call Cre' Est their home. Even among the Assassins of Te'i Sai he reigns supreme as the ultimate killing machine and the most feared single Assassin in history. Never leaving evidence of his presence. Never providing those who see him with a clear view of who he is. Never staying in one place for very long, the Red-Eyed Demon is the ultimate Assassin and has never failed to eliminate his target once his sights are set.

Recently, however, in the past years there have been signs that Te'i Sai's grip on the land has been slipping. Their once complete control over the ruling powers of the continent is now flimsy at best, and their numbers have been on a steady decline for the past several years. Why is this happening? Who is causing it? Nobody knows the answers to these questions save for Te'i Sai and the one responsible. The Red-Eyed Demon himself.

Since his initial rebellion against the organization which created him, the Red-Eyed Demon has been on a quest to discover the meaning of life and to expose the truth which Te'i Sai has for so long kept hidden from the people of Cre' Est, a truth which was long ago buried beneath a mountain of deceit and misdirection. The people of the continent are completely unaware that Te'i Sai has been controlling their rulers and slowly draining them of their hope and vitality. Through the centuries the mission of Te'i Sai was distorted by greed and cruelty, and the Red-Eyed Demon seeks to restore the ancient organization to its ancient roots and bring back the peace which was once sought by so many.

And so the gauntlet has been thrown!

The Red-Eyed Demon has been chipping away at Te'i Sai for several years, but his progress has been brought to a crawl thanks to new Assassins with skills and abilities nearly on par with his own: the Wraiths. Born and bred to match him stride for stride, the Wraiths are the Red-Eyed Demon's greatest enemies and are responsible for many of the murders, executions and lies which have been spread about him over the last several years. His dark and dangerous image has been kept strong and alive thanks to the Wraiths, and the leader among them has skills to match his intellect.

So now the question must be asked: Can the Red-Eyed Demon follow through with his intended course, or will his life and legacy be brought to an abrupt end by those who seek to keep Te'i Sai in control of the minds and hearts of the people of Cre' Est?

That's the story/plot of the RP in a nutshell!

So here's what I need from you!:

Character Profile

Birth Name:
Character Alias: (If applicable to Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, etc,.)

Picture: (Can be anime, 3d or realistic. So long as we get the basic idea)

Written Appearance: (Any differences from the picture are to be listed here. And try to make a few changes from what the pictures shows so that your character is truly unique.)

Home Nation:
Current Location/Residence:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Complexion: (Also known as skin tone, so pale, tan, etc,.)
Body Type:
Blood Type:
* Fighting Style: (Hard or Soft?)
Adaptability Ratio: (1-10 scale, and if you're not an Assassin, which none of you will be, then it can't be 10)

Personality: (one paragraph please)

Quirks: (Any behaviors, clothing, features or mannerisms which make your character unique!)
Special Talents:

Weapon of Choice:

Weapon of last resort:

Weapons you avoid at all costs:

Weapon Training History: (If applicable. Non combative characters do not have weapon history after all.)

Biography: (At least three to five paragraphs with five to seven sentences each please)

All characters which are submitted to the RP are submitted to the OOC forum "Character Profiles" first for inspection. If you just submit a character profile for approval right away, I will reject it on the grounds that you did not pay attention to directions but I will still give you a chance to submit to the OOC and try again.

Characters which are not allowed in the RP: Assassins

This RP focuses on the fight against Assassins, so being one is sadly not an option. Also, your characters may not have a history within the organization of Te'i Sai or have any family with history within the organization. This is to prevent the use of Assassins and "Uber Characters" so that there is a balance between strength and weakness among those who participate in the RP. As it stands now we've got two strong characters and one weak one, so I'm trying to limit the powerhouses within the RP.

This RP is going to be LOOOONG! Spanning the course of roughly two to four years IC, this RP is going to be a hefty section of your character's life. So be prepared to stick it out for the long haul or you will be ejected from the RP if you fail to maintain an active posting schedule. I don't want to sound mean but facts are facts. If you don't post, you're not a part of the RP and if you have a character profile in the RP it's going to be erased. Don't let that happen. Stick with it and have as much fun as possible since that's what it's about anyway!

So, I hope I have inspired a bit of creativity and hope for joining a new RP! Again I'm looking specifically for newbie players either to the site or to role playing in general though I will not turn down any veterans who seek to join.

So once again, the link to the RP is

I hope to see some of you soon!


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