Friday, September 21, 2012

The ?New? Method Of Buying A Used Car | Car Assembly Automation

Have you dreamed about a new car or truck for the family, but dread the thought of traipsing from car lot to car lot being harassed by used car salesmen? Most people think there are only two ways to buy a previously owned vehicle?. through the newspaper and online type classified ads, or from a new or used car dealership. What if I told you that there was a third way ? that?s more convenient, includes a wider selection of cars and trucks, and most importantly saves money on your next vehicle?

The third way to buy a used car is at an auction. Unlike online auctions such as eBay, most car auctions happen at a physical place at a specific time. Buyers bid on the spot and the highest bidder walks away with a car.

Most auctions are for car dealers and are not open to the public. You must have a special license to attend and bid. There are, however, some auctions open to the general public. You can attend these events and bid on cars just like the dealers do.

You don?t have to become a car dealer to reap these benefits:

* Choose from hundreds of used trucks and cars

* No salesmen or sales managers to deal with

* Low, low prices

The important part is to find the best auctions you can attend without being a dealer.

Only certain types of car auctions are open to the general public. Most auctions require a dealer?s license. If you want to attend one legally, check out Blok Charity Auto Clearance located in the Los Angeles, CA area.

Through places like Blok, you can select from hundreds of vehicles and bid on them. You can either just show up to the auction and start bidding or go before the day of the auction and select which vehicle you would like to purchase. This is the method car dealers have used for years to get wholesale pricing. Another added bonus is that you won?t be pressured by salespeople to make a decision.

See what Blok Charity Auto Clearance is all about. Stop by their Facebook page to browse the latest car deals.


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